Elland Vehicle Show
Sunday 15th September 2024

Taking place at Elland Cricket Club – it’s the Community Fair.

Sunday is the Main Event, 15th September 2024

Taking place at Elland Cricket Club – It’s the Community Fair.

The gates to the cricket ground for your entry will be open from 08.00 to 10.00.

Please if you could try and arrive during this two-hour slot. If you are going to be late for any reason please contact myself David Edwards 07770 666646

We would rather see you later than not at all. The vehicle entry to the cricket ground is also the main pedestrian entrance this is why we would like you to be on site prior to the opening to the public.

You will be greeted by a marshal wearing a Rotary Club of Elland Visi Vest

If you have not paid your entry fee you will be able to make payment by cash at this point to the marshal. You will then be directed to a field marshal also in a Visi Vest.

Vehicles will be grouped by age and by type. If you have a particular group of friends you would prefer to be with then do so with the marshal’s assistance.

  • The marshals will be assisted by the RAF Cadets and the Scouts.
  • If you have any queries please contact one of the Rotarians in Visi Vests.
  • Tea, Coffee, and Bacon sandwiches will be available from 08.00 by the entrance to the cricket club.
  • Catering is being provided by the Cricket Club and other stall vendors.
  • In Baines Hall function room there is a Vintage Fair which we would ask you to visit.
  • The bar will be open for the non-drivers.
  • In the Cricket Club and Baines Hall. Toilets are situated in both locations. There are also toilets situated on the Cricket Ground.

By the sheer nature of our vehicles, some of us drop the odd spot of fluid. If this occurs can you please let the marshals know and they will deal with it accordingly. We will have sawdust, peat and straw on site for any eventuality.

The closing time for the event is 16.00 we would respectfully ask that you stay until this time although we do accept that some of you may have long journeys home and may wish to leave earlier. If so please let the marshals know and they will try and facilitate this.

These event are governed by Health and Safety and Insurance cover so if you could bear with us that would be appreciated.

On the site will be a Fire Engine this engine will actually be on call so can we please make sure that at no time we obstruct this vehicle as it may need to leave the field at any moment should a call come in.

First aiders will also be in attendance as will the Community Police.

We will have three small cut glass tankard as prizes again. One will be voted on by you the exhibitors and a second price to be voted on by the visiting public. The third prize will be for the best 2 wheeled machine.

Those who attended over the last few year will know we are not short of space so when you arrive give yourselves plenty of room to open the vehicle doors to allow the public and the other exhibitor’s access.

This is the sixth time we have run an event. With your help last year’s event over the weekend raise a little over £10,000 for charity on behalf of all of my fellow Rotarians we say a big thank you.

Many of you will be seasoned in these events, comment good or bad will be received with enthusiasm and appreciation.

This is very much come along and enjoy yourselves let’s talk engine’s wheels and any other thing related to our pride and joys.

Download Vehicle Entry Form

Download Entry Information PDF

Images will be taken during the course of Elland Show, Which may be used for promotional material at a later date.